Fat Chance
Book launch: Fat Chance was launched at Fullers Book store in Hobart on Saturday 7th September to coincide with Threatened Species Day. Despite the inclement weather it was lovely to welcome a small, but enthusiastic audience. Children coloured in pictures of their favourite animals and asked questions of the author (Lynne) and illustrator (Jenny) who were in attendance to read and sign personal copies of the book.
Copies of Fat Chance are available in several popular Hobart bookstores, Tasmanian Museum and Gallery or can be ordered online (see below).
A rare handfish’s growing concern for the environment sees him make the arduous journey from the Derwent River. Through whimsical rhyming verse and beautifully hand-drawn illustrations, this story highlights many of the island’s lesser-known species. Fat Chance is a poignant reminder for children of all ages, as to the importance of preserving Tasmania’s wildlife.
Despite the dire circumstances the animals find themselves in, there is an engaging and positive message of hope for young and old alike.
Bopping along is a red-throated skink,
Listening to music and rapping in sync.
‘I’ve just flown on in from my rock in the sea,
With a shy albatross who took pity on me.’
‘Slip aboard,’ said the Goshawk,
‘We’ll be there in a tick,
I’m heading that way and I’m wickedly quick.
Now don’t you go getting your heart in a flutter,
I only eat snails cooked in garlic and butter.’
For signed copies of this beautiful, hard cover children’s book, please go direct to: http://fatchancebook.com You can add a note to say who you’d like the book dedicated to. The price is $AUS29.95 plus $11.65 postage within Australia. International rates for some countries are listed. For others, please contact me at: lynnefellowes@gmail.com Enjoy!